kamikaze girls

| 2009-10-22 | 19:50:46 Kommentera här! » 0 st

Har nu sett färdigt på Kamikaze Girls som jag började se på igår. Det var nog den bästa filem jag någonsin har sett! Kanske efter Brokeback Mountain xD
Här är lite vad den handlar om: 

"The movie begins with a flashforward of Momoko getting hit by a car while driving a moped, then shifts to the past to introduce her background and early life.

Momoko, who was born near Kobe, wishes that she had been born in Rococo-era France. Her father, a former small-time gangster, was involved in selling fake brand name clothing. After making a fake "double-brand" he finds himself in trouble with Universal Studios, Versace, and the mob, and so he and Momoko move to his mother's house in the rural town of Shimotsuma.

Momoko must go to Tokyo to shop for her clothes, but constantly finds herself short of money for the expensive trip and the pricey clothes she wants to buy. She decides to sell some of her father's fake Versace products, and meets Ichigo, who answers an advertisement she has placed about selling the clothes. Ichigo is a racy, boyish type who belongs to an all-girl bōsōzoku (motorcycle gang). Gradually, the unlikely pair become friends."

Den är baserad på en bok och har också gjorts till manga :P

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