Vad är ditt debut album?
Life with the weird kid. | 2010-01-02 | 21:09:06 Kommentera här! » 1 st
"Okay. Go to Random Wikipedia Page. The title of the article is your band's name.
Go to Random Quotations (You'll have to scroll down to the bottom, check off more of the boxes and click 'new random quotations' if you want some different ones ^^) The last four words of the last quote is the album's name ^^
Go to flickr's "explore the last 7 days" and whatever the third picture is, that's the album cover =3
Then decide what genre it is ^__^"
Band's name:White Aster
Album's name: subject to diminishing returns
Genre: Jag tror att det är någon sorts J-emo sak, om det finns ^^;
Go to Random Quotations (You'll have to scroll down to the bottom, check off more of the boxes and click 'new random quotations' if you want some different ones ^^) The last four words of the last quote is the album's name ^^
Go to flickr's "explore the last 7 days" and whatever the third picture is, that's the album cover =3
Then decide what genre it is ^__^"
Band's name:White Aster
Album's name: subject to diminishing returns
Genre: Jag tror att det är någon sorts J-emo sak, om det finns ^^;
Skrivet av: Thorfatima
Great site!!!